Thursday, 10 May 2012

Different types of yorkies #3: "Normal" size.

The "normal" yorkie isn't different then the other yorkies, and the others aren't weird, its just that the others are different in size. to tell if your yorkie is a "normal" yorkie, you look at their weight. These yorkies weigh between 5-7 lbs full grown and will be 6-7 inches long. Like all the rest of the yorkies they have big attitude, big hearts and can have a bad temper and love a good adventure. All yorkies live up to 13 to 16 years. All yorkies love to be outside, but will find good use of the space inside a home, and they all prefer warm climates to live in because of being so little and not having much body fat, they are very sensitive to the cold. The odd thing about Skip is that he loves to go outside in the snow, we loose him all the time, but he rolls around in it and prances through it like a little rabbit because it is too deep for him to walk through, but he always refuses to come inside when he is told.
The "normal" yorkie is not seeking so much attention like the others do because they are much bigger and can take care of themselves. They do need attention though, so don't ignore them completely because they can take care of themselves, they still want, and need the love from their owner.

Yorkie Fact: Did you know that all yorkshire terrier dogs have their tails docked when they are first born. So all they have for a tail is just a little stub.

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